Ever since COVID-19 gripped the entire world in its fists - paralysing countries and their economies - arguably, no industry has been as adversely affected as hospitality. In fact, if you compare worldwide hospitality data for July 2020 with corresponding data from last year, July 2019, the impact of the pandemic is stark.
In Europe, occupancy rates fell from 66.4% to 26.5%, while in Africa the decline was even more sharp, falling from 72.9% to 16.9%. Central/South America saw a decline from 68.6% to 19%, and while the numbers for the Middle East may not look as scary as all these other areas, a fall from 41.8% to 35.3% still is a matter of concern.

Falling occupancy rates in hotels, lower footfalls in restaurants and bars, as well as an overall aversion towards gathering in groups for large sections of the society means cash flow, and in turn, profits have been in free fall. And this, as expected, has had a huge negative impact in the state of employment across the hospitality industry.
So what does this mean for you as someone who is working in, or looking to get into the hospitality industry? Yes, the opportunities are limited; even with the UAE opening up restaurants, hotels and travel restrictions to a large degree. And some of the changes the pandemic has brought with it seem to be ones that will fundamentally change the entire industry - such as hospitality businesses looking for employees who can take on more than just one role. With free-falling revenue, minimal footfalls and hesitant and apprehensive customers, this was to be expected. After all, just because a restaurant or a hotel sees less footfall doesn’t mean certain jobs can be eliminated.

However, within these limited opportunities is a chance for those who are really driven to make a name for themselves in the industry to get a foot in. And for that to happen, the most important area you need to focus on is equipping yourself with skills and knowledge that will make you a valuable addition to any team, where you can make a difference in multiple areas. Once you have that in place, the chances of you finding employment are much greater than those whose focus is only towards one particular aspect of hospitality.
Let’s say you already have experience as a server; maybe its time you added more skills to your arsenal - such as bartending. Or if you’re a great savoury chef, expand your repertoire by gaining more insight and knowledge of pastry and desserts. The avenues are endless. What will make a difference is your drive, dedication and perseverance.
The current status quo, especially for the hospitality industry, doesn’t look like it will change any time soon. And it is evident that only the most dynamic, the most flexible and the most dedicated will find success in the industry in today’s time.
So the question then is - are you equipped for this new status quo? And if not, there is no better time than now do so.
